Create Your Own Colorful Preserved Moss Wall Art At Home

Preserved moss wall art is made from 100% real moss that has been preserved instead of using moss that is still living. Preserved moss is delicately preserved using an eco-friendly method that replaces the water in it with a non-toxic preservative, such as glycerol, to maintain its fluffy consistency. This method of preservation also secures the inherent advantages of moss while enhancing the stunning green moss color with food-grade coloring allowing it to stand out and be part of your luxury modern home décor.
Maintaining preserved moss is completely unnecessary; there is no need for fertilizing, watering, or trimming to keep your moss wall art in top condition.
What Do You Need To Make Your Own Moss Wall Art?
1. A Frame:
A wooden frame of any shape and size can be used according to your preferences. With the use of good
quality wood glue, wooden frames may be glued together with ease and give tremendous aesthetic and
durability benefits. Use a piece of plywood and attach it to the back of your frame for the Preserved moss to stick to.
Once your frame is completed to your liking, you’ll have some form of support surface on which to mount your moss art.
2. Your Preserved Moss:
Once you’ve decided on what type of moss you’d like to use, be it Reindeer moss, Cushion moss, or Sheet moss, purchase enough to fit your frame all the way. You can mix two or more types of moss together if you’d like. We advise you to wear gloves while handling preserved moss since the dyes used during the preservation process can leak onto your hands and make a mess.
3. Lay Your Moss:
Now that you have your frame and your preserved moss ready, it's time to lay it down. Spread some wood glue evenly throughout the base of your frame and arrange the preserved moss how you want it to be. Once each piece has been arranged and placed in the frame, gently push down on each piece to ensure that the bottom of the preserved moss is in contact with the plywood backing.
4. Hardscape Elements:
To give your frame an even more organic look, you can select from a range of stones and/or wooden pieces. Just be careful not to use pieces that are hefty or that have sharp edges as these may not adhere effectively and fall out and sharp things may hurt you or snag on your clothing.
Keep in mind that you are not required to do this; it is entirely up to you.
5. Other Preserved Plants:
In addition to hardscape elements, you can (if you choose to) use artificial or other preserved flora such as preserved ferns to compliment your moss wall art frame. Choose plants that hang down, instead of plants that stick out for a pleasing aesthetic.
6. Put Up Your New Luxury Wall Art Decor
Well done! You’ve finally completed your preserved moss wall art. It’s now time to select a suitable place in your home to hang it up, however, choose a spot in the house that is not in direct sunlight. Perhaps in the living room where you can admire it all day? The choice is all yours!
Having a preserved moss art wall in your home will definitely make your interior decor stand out! It’s not necessarily impossible to do it yourself, however most people might not want to deal with the intricacies of putting together a frame and dealing with leaking dye, not to mention having to deal with the sadness of it not turning out as you’d imagined in your head when you first set out to do it. Others
just don’t have the time. Luckily for all of you, there’s a solution! You can still have a luxury wall art decor made from preserved moss by simply buying, or ordering for one to be made for you. If you opt for the latter, you can have a personalized piece made for you by Mossaro.
In Conclusion:
If you’re the type of person who likes to be creative and make your own stuff, then this article should work for you. However, if you’re the kind of person who likes nice things for your house but can’t find the time to make things on your own, or perhaps you just don’t want to deal with the stress of failure, then this article is also for you! If you fancy a preserved luxury moss art wall for your house, if you want to have a taste of modern home décor, then you definitely need to get intouch with Mossaro and get yourself some of that Mossaro moss modern wall art!
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